A Plaque in Memory of Late Haig Tilbian

A plaque in memory of Haig Tilbian, Registrar (1974-1976), was unveiled by his widow Maro and University President Paul Haidostian, during a ceremony held on July 20, 2012.
The ceremony, which was held in the Registrar’s office and later in the Auditorium, was attended by Armenian Institutions’ representatives, HU trustees, faculty, staff, and friends of Haig Tilbian.
President Haidostian gave a glimpse on the life of Tilbian, describing him as a caring human being, a man of vision, with an energetic character and innovative mind, after which the audience had the chance to remember through a PowerPoint presentation, the late Haig, and his years of service at Haigazian, from student recruiter, to alumni affairs officer, and then registrar.
Few friendsand colleagues of Haig, from Haigazian, AFED and the Jinishian Foundation,publicly shared their memories, all acknowledging his relentless efforts towards the advancement of the Armenian institutions in particular, and the Armenian community at large.
In conclusion, his widow Maro, deeply touched by the ceremony, thanked everyone, and expressed her gratitude towards Haigazian University for always remembering Haig, who considered this University his home and haven.

Mira Yardemian
PR Director