Liquid Worship - Worshipping God in new ways

Place: Armenian Evangelical Church of Ashrafieh
Time: Sunday, 13 February, 2011 @ 5:00 pm
Participants: Youth from different Christian Endeavor Associations of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in Lebanon

God’s been good to us. He’s been showing his mercy and love to us, through different ways. Thanks to YFC, Youth For Christ organization that was kind enough to share the material of the “Liquid Worship” with us, thanks to Arm. Evang. Church of Ashrafieh that hosted us, and thanks to Chanits Joint Committee (Aline Khederian, Jano Minas, Krikor Aylinian, and Luder Artinian), that worked with me planning and setting up the stations so that the young people would experience God through different ways and matters.
The rain couldn’t stop the youth of Beirut and all the way from Ainjar, from coming to this hour of worship and celebration which was presented in ten different stations…

1. Letters to God (Psalm 62:7 & 8)
The youth used this opportunity to write a letter to God, expressing to Him whatever is on their hearts that they wanted to say to Him, knowing that the letters were so confidential,; it was between the youth and God.

2. Study His Word (2 Timothy 3:16 & 17)Here the youth had the chance to study Psalm 71 from the Bible, using a guideline, a devotional sheet that will lead the person through questions, and challenges.

3. Worship songs (Psalm 108)The youth took some time to listen to worship songs on a DVD, read and reflect on the words, expressing their hearts of worship to God.

4. Offering to God (Deuteronomy 12:11)Young people were challenged to offer something to God by writing it on one of the stones, and placing it under the cross, as a sign of a burnt offering.

5. Creative Expressions (Psalm 62:7 & 8)The youth took some time to be creative in expressing what’s on their hearts to God through arts and crafts. Some drew a picture, and others made something using different material.

6. Scripture Art (2 Timothy 3:16 & 17)The youth had the chance to enjoy posters of Bible verses presented artistically. They were also invited to concentrate on one particular verse that God is speaking through.

7. Prayer for Lebanon (Psalm 91:12)Young people were asked to pray about Lebanon having the map posted on the wall, and even write their prayers of thanksgiving for the peace we enjoy, and prayer of petition to God to guide our leaders, on papers and post them on the prayer wall next to the map.

8. Be still and listen (Proverbs 8:34 & 35)This was the quiet room, where it was only lit with candles, to give some space to the youth for confession and especially to listen to God in a place where there is less distraction.

9. Give Thanks in all Things (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)Youth were allowed to take a worksheet and a pen, and list the top 10 things that are grateful to God for.

10. Prayer for your Young People (Psalm 71:15)The youth had the opportunity to pray and write the names of other young people whom they want to reach out, show God’s love, and serve. Praying for God’s protection, guidance, and that they would be aware of God’s grace and His salvation.

After this hour of active worship, we gathered back together, heard some words of encouragement from Rev. Raffi Misirlian, the chairman of the CE Union, and closed it by declaring the vow of the CE Union, signing the anthem, and prayer.

We also celebrated the 130 anniversary of the International Christian Endeavor Movement that was established in February 2, 1881. The CE Union members, the youth leaders, and members of the different CE committees cut the cake and served it to the youth who were about 65-70 in number.

Many young people were thankful to God that they were present, some complaining that it was too short, and others were just helping us cleaning and collecting the items from each station.

I also thank God that He made it possible for us to come together and glorify His name, above all other things which could be considered more appealing in the world.

Datev Basmajian