Junior Youth Group Leaders appreciate their predecessors and their past leaders

On Friday, 23 May 2008, during the night, the present leaders of Emmanuel Junior Youth Group had invited their peers and the past leaders of the youth group and the pastor and his wife, to have together a very nice appreciation dinner. All the leaders were present...

The present leaders: Mrs. J. Ohanian Kozman, Mr. M. Ibitian, Mr. R. Chilingirian, Mr. Mr. Hagopian, Mr. J. Baghboudarian and Mr. H. Gojigian.

The past leaders: Mrs. Kathia Kozman Habib, Mrs. Sirag Karagoezian Basmajian, Mr. M. Chilingirian, Mr. H. Hanneyan and Mr. H. Akbasharian.

Also present were Rev. D. Basmajian, and Mr. S. Ohanian, who helped the Badaniatz team during their recent retreat in Mount Smash.
Each leader was awarded with a plaque of servanthood, on which their name and their service years were written. These plaques were from Peter's Brass, that were given by Mr. M. Ibitian. At the end of the appreciation night, the leaders surprised Jimmy, Mano and Raffi by celebrating their birthdays with a delicious cake.