Bible Study: Two kinds of Smart Living, James 3:13-4:12

Sometimes Christianity is portrayed as a matter of acting in self-interest. And the "health-and-wealth" gospel portrays this self-interest.
However, James' gospel involves humility before God. It means trusting him and putting others before ourselves.
If we come before God as God, rather than as simply a source of the pleasures we seek for ourselves, His holiness and purity will make us deeply aware of our sinfulness and selfishness.

Memory Verse: The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3.17

The best way to turn from self-oriented wordly wisdom toward the humility of heavenly wisdom is to serve others who cannot repay you. This week, do at least one act of kindness for someone outside your ordinary circle: visit an elderly shut-in, for example.