Students/Teachers can benefit from the Internet?

Internet education and education of the web are lacking in the Lebanese schools in general and the Armenian schools in particular. Many think that the computer is just for games. Others think that it's for searching, emailing and chatting. Still others think that it's for Facebook, HI5, MySpace and Friendster. Today, the complete and holistic understanding of the internet needs to be added in the curriculum of education in Lebanon.

It is a fact that the teachers of today did not grow up with the tools that are prevalent today. Many teachers still have problems in making use of the internet and the computer in their classes. Some even escape from taking their students to the computer lab, even though the school administration stresses the importance of using the computer.
The benefits of the internet are many despite its negative sides. The tool itself is not negative, it's the way we use it that makes the difference.
I even know a teacher, who insists that the computer is a dumb machine and that using it makes us dumb too, so there's no need to make use of it. Unfortunately, this is the excuse that some teachers are using today to escape from the fact that computers will become an essential part of schools and education in the very near future.
Already we've read in the news that Gulbenkian, Torosian, Mesrobian, Hovagimian and Sophia-Hagopian schools have internet and some even have installed wireless connection within their premises.
The web has many tools which can be incorporated into education. Web 2.0, Wiki, Collaboration, Blogs are some of the words that describe the new web era that we are heading towards, which is opening new dimensions, many of which are beneficial. Today, there are teachers who encourage their students to write on the Wiki of their class and the students participate in writing articles online and keeping the drafts online. Today, there are blogs that encourage students to write in the language that they prefer, yes even Armenian, and let others see their work. Even the idea of flat classrooms is getting more widespread, where the classroom is not confined within the 4 walls of the classroom, but it's much wider, interacting with students outside their classes.

The internet is not only for games, chatting, and passing of time. It is a tool that can aid the teachers and help them in achieving their goals towards better education and understanding. It is a tool that can help the student to better understand a topic through visual diagrams and animations, and so much more...
